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  • Health Focused Fitness

Can you get enough protein on a vegan diet!

Updated: Sep 11, 2023

This must be one of the most commonly asked questions about a plant-based or vegan diet. The simple answer to the question is yes!

Lets delve in a little deeper! Dr Michael Gregor, of, states adults require no more than 0.8 to 0.9 grams of protein per healthy kilogram of bodyweight. To put that into perspective, the average male in the UK weighs 84kg and the average female 69kg. If we take the generous assumption that all of that weight is healthy weight, at the upper end of the requirement that sees males requiring a maximum of 75.6 grams of protein and females 62.1.

How easy is it to meet that requirement?

Lets have a look at some common foods in a plant-based diet and their protein content per 100 grams.

  • Peanut Butter - 26.4g/100g

  • Chia Seeds - 23.9g/100g

  • Flax Seeds - 20.3g/100g

  • Red Split Lentil - 20.3g/100g

  • Tofu - 13g/100g

  • Soya Edamame Bean 12/100g

  • Wholewheat Pasta - 12.3g/100g

  • Oats - 11g/100g

  • Quinoa - 9.3/100g

  • Blackbeans - 7.5g/100g

  • Chickpeas - 7.2g/100g

  • Kidney Beans - 6.9g/100g

  • Kale - 3.4g/100g

  • Spinach - 2.8g/100g

A breakfast consisting of 50 grams of oats, 250ml of soya milk and a tablespoon of peanut butter provides 17 grams of protein. That is more than a quarter of the average female's upper requirement and 22% of the average males upper requirement just from a simple breakfast.

A basic bolognese consisting of 75 grams of pasta, 75 grams of lentils and 80 grams of spinach provides 27 grams of protein. And that’s before adding any of the other ingredients required to make the bolognese!

Take away message...

Meeting your protein requirement on a wholefood plant based diet isn’t difficult, particularly when you are eating a healthy balanced diet. Watch out for my coming blog about the quality of plant protein to further put your mind at ease!

Call to Action Want to know how to lose weight, build strength and get fit at home on a plant-based diet, contact me and lets have a free consultation to see how I can best help you.

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